It was a beautiful day. Spent the morning with Regina, morning date day, brunch at Scamblers and then some shopping at CPO. I was really enjoying the whole "spring is in the air thing" until about 4pm when I happened to look at my email and there was a link to the Springfield News Leader paper obituaries and a note from my just retired friend, Dennis, saying a Kraft retiree, Frank, who I had know since I began working for Kraft had passed away last Tuesday. The funeral was yesterday, and neither Dennis or I had heard about Frank's death.
It was then, that I came to the present, not the future, and realized that on this beautiful March day, when I was happy, joyful and gleeful, planting flowers for spring and thinking way out there to summer, there were people everywhere who were sad. People whose lives will never be the same.
I know we've all be attentive to the earthquakes and to the other natural disasters and man made misery, but so much of that is happening to people we don't know. But here was a man who I had just talked to about 6 weeks ago. He looked great and told us that he had given up his bad health habits and was enjoying life.
I don't know the cause of death for Frank. He was 68 years old and had been retired for about 13 years.
I do know that his family is sad. I do know that I am sad that I wasn't aware, so I could at least attend the funeral.
The future is now . Live for today, for tomorrow has enough troubles of it's own waiting. I know that Frank wouldn't want us to be sad, but it 's our nature.
So say a prayer for Frank's family, say a prayer for the disaster victims and their families. Acknowledge your own mortality, be happy in life, everyday. Be sad when necessary, but know that God is with us.
Peace my friends.
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