Welcome to Windrock

Welcome to Windrock

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Location, location, location.

For Christmas my family got me a great unexpected gift. A GPS(Global Positioning System?) Garmin device to wear on my wrist when I'm out running, hiking or just walking around. This really cool gadget that is totally unnecessary to have a successful run. It measures my pace, my time, my heart rate and distance. When I get home, I can download the information and get a detailed a computer generated map and graph of all that happened during the run. So far my new friend,"Garmin" has not helped me run faster, but it has caused me to run farther and does allow me to determine if a run was successful or not. Using this information I can measure myself and then also determine if the location, the trail or route is one I wish to run again.

So here I am at the beginning of another year, and it's time to stop a moment,and you know, check where I am in life. How was the last year, and where do I plan to go in 2010? For me this means checking my internal GPS, or God Positioning Sense. For me the real measure of the journey is not how much has been accomplished, for that is done and past, but what and where will the next year take me. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew chapter 6) so I try not to. So living in the now of today is really all I should be concerned with, and to do that I need to not only know my current location, but at least know that God is leading me and keeping me on the the correct trail. To know that I need to check the location of my heart, and get my position right. This is a daily task. Just as I check my Garmin for pace and distance, to see if I am meeting my goals, so must I check my pace and direction of life to know my location and ensure I am not off track.
So for the new year, I am checking the God Positioning System with more reading which is easy, but just like running, I am committing to more doing. Will the two GPS units help me in this? I am counting on it.
I'll let you know where I am on this as the year progresses.

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