"At last the sun touched the skyline, merged with it for a moment in a final explosive blaze of light an heat and sank out of sight. " Edward Abbey, author: Desert Solitare
Everyday that happens somewhere on this planet, in New York City, in Australia, at the beach in Hawaii someplace significant. Funny how it seems people are always remembering that special sunset with that special someone in that special somewhere.
My blog title refers to where I live with my wife, 3 dogs and a cat. It's 3 acres on the corner of a farm of memory. A place where someone had a small orchard, kept calves in pens near the barn and gardened. On top of this ridge on the Ozark Plateau, two pear trees still struggle to bear some fruit, walnut trees sprout and iris fight their way up through fescue in the field next to our property line.
Here the wind always seems to blow and no matter where strike the ground to dig with shovel, hoe, or pick, there will be, at that precise place, a rock, some sizable some not, but always a rock. Because of promince of wind and rocks we have dubbed our little garden spot "Windrock" or more formally "Windrock Gardens". Lying beneath the wind and mixed with the rocks there's also a little dirt. With that said, the main feature that brought us here almost 6 years ago, is what Abbey described in his quote.
Everyday, clear or cloudy, the sun completes it's journey in the west, and there just off our deck is a memorable sunset. We have become somewhat snobbish about this, to the point that when we are driving somewhere and see a great sunset, my wife or I will usually say, "Not as good as at home!"
A few weeks back a low cloud ceiling gave us one of those memorable sunsets, it was sensational. A week later a photo and story showed up in the local paper. The writer commented that even people in the Best Buy parking lot were looking up. It was spectacular. I think they all are. Spectacular in that they are unique, and for some a witness to the Creator of all things. I remember that sunset, I even have a half dozen pictures, but none of them are as good as the memory. They never are. So when the sun goes down today, pay attention, it will be something to see! Peace.
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