It was a hot Thursday and I was taking my lunch break. This means I had come into the house from doing yard work, and of course had to check my Gmail to see if any interesting jobs had shown up in my inbox, and while I'm at it might as well check Facebook, see what everyone else is having for lunch.
After looking at some more "jobs just for you in Sparta" (there are no jobs in Sparta) email postings, I looked at Facebook to see if there was anything interesting, you know new Pinterest stuff a picture of a spider inside an Oreo, important revelations. On the sidebar, I think it was, or somewhere there was a notice about a cross country running relay to raise money for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.The word RUNNING jumped out at me so I clicked.
There I found a long description of the lofty goals for the relay, and the use of the "epic". Epic was intriguing, but not a word I often use in my mid-pack running world.
Reading through again, I saw that all that was asked was the ability to maintain a 10 minute per mile pace. 10 minute miles, I could do that, sure it might be painful, but, heck yes!
I then clicked on the RUN button and found the entire route broken up into states and then into stages or legs. Who knew that 10 minute miles were epic?
Clicking on MO I was excited to see a leg that ran through my hometown via Route 66 on June 20. I should sign up for this. Doubt crept in. No, forget it, there will be faster runners who will make it more epic by going faster.
I stared at the screen. Could I be "epic"? If I signed up would they check my stats and say, "Sorry Mr. Bohannon, we're looking for faster people."
Even as I sat there looking at the screen, I refreshed and saw that the Missouri legs were filling up (guess other people check Facebook in the middle of the day too!). It felt right. Even if nobody else knew I was running this leg it would be a memory for me to be part of something so big! I clicked, filled out the info and Bazinga! I was now part of something epic!
When the Fetching Mrs. B, my running tolerant spouse, called later, she was encouraging even, enthusiastic, meaning I didn't even hear an eye roll over the phone.
It was May 23, I had a little over a month to get ready.
9.5 miles through my hometown. On Route 66!
More to tell, but let me say now, it was gonna be epic!
Peace my friends!