Windrock Log: 9 February 2011, Wednesday.
Another snow day.
Need more be said.
The yard and the field are beautiful with a fresh layer (4 inches) of new whiteness.
Does getting older take the thrill out of challenging the elements to get to work to do important tasks, like selling another box of macaroni and cheese? I think so.
My "like" meter for snow doesn't go very high anymore. I did enjoy watching the blizzard, but as I told my local grocer, I'm glad I don't have to get out to get to work. I just walk down the hall and connect to the world.
I am fortunate to be able to work at home during lousy weather like this.While I do sometimes refer to the way things used to be as the "good old days", I enjoy all the technology and the new ways to connect. I like email, I like facebook and I like my smart phone. Could I live without them, yes, when I'm retired that will be fine. I don't think I'll need to be so connected when I've got my hands in the dirt.
Today I have been as productive as I could be if the weather was fine. I've "talked" to people in Nashville, Memphis, Kansas City and was on a conference call with folks from all over Kentucky, Tennessee, and even Indiana.
So another snow day, just another day in paradise.
Peace my friends.